Read more on the feature here

Chat history

Fini Chat history Tab is an aggregator of all of past conversations that have happened on your bots.

The below document is supposed to guide you through the available features in Chat history tab and is divided into four sections:

  1. General overview
  2. Main Division of chat history tab
  3. Filtering
  4. Download feature

1. General overview

Chat history is easily accessible through your Fini panel


Open Chat history tab


Select bot for which you want to see past conversations


Select time frame for which you wish to see the past conversations

2. Main Division of chat history tab

Once you’ve selected bot and time frame you’ll see 6 columns with data

  1. Source: Easily see where each chat originated, whether from your website, social media, or other platforms.
  2. Question Asked by End User: Quickly identify the initial query posed by your customers.
  3. Categories: Thanks to our advanced AI, Fini chats are automatically categorized for you, ensuring effortless navigation through topics.
  4. Ticket ID: Each chat is linked with your existing support systems like Zendesk or Intercom, using corresponding ticket IDs for seamless integration.
  5. Received on: The date when specific chat occured
  6. Actions column

Click on View

To check the message history


Click on Details

In the details section you’ll see the below information per reply:

  1. User: Who has asked the question (only applicable for internal use and checking questions asked through ‘Ask Fini’ tab)
  2. Feedback: Chats in slack, widget or standalone link can be voted with thumbs up or down.
  3. Categories: Fini chats are automatically categorized for you by AI.
  4. Escalated: yes/no
  5. Source: Depending on where user asked the question (UI, API, Widget, Standalone, Search bar, Slack, Discord, Zendesk, Intercom, Chrome, Front)
  6. URL: Leading to the ticket in the support tool
  7. Ticked ID: Unique identifier assigned to a support request corresponding with your support tool

3. Filtering


Click on Filter

You can filter chat history by:

  1. Source: Depending on where user asked the question (UI, API, Widget, Standalone, Search bar, Slack, Discord, Zendesk, Intercom, Chrome, Front)
  2. Category: Fini chats are automatically categorized for you by AI.
  3. Feedback: Thumbs Up/ Thumbs down (replies through Slack, widget & standalone can be assessed)
  4. Escalation: yes/no
  5. Reference Links: yes/no
  6. User: Who has asked the question (only applicable for internal use and checking questions asked through ‘Ask Fini’ tab)
  7. Question: You can type in the whole question or just a part of it
  8. Ticket ID: Unique identifier assigned to a support request corresponding with your support tool

4. Download a csv

If you need to make some more detailed analysis, you can easily download a csv file with the past conversations and work with this data in Excel. Just click at the arrow button.


You now know how to navigate the Chat history tab. This feature allows you to easily review past conversations and search for specific information.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at