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Deploy Fini Search Bar

Guide consists of 5 main sections:

  1. Connections details
  2. General setup
  3. Replies setting
  4. Branding
  5. Deploying Fini Search Bar

Connections details

Click on Deploy

Click on Generate

Click on Create new

Select Bot

Select the bot that you want to use for your Fini Search Bar

General setup

Add Domain

You have 3 options while you select the domain:

  1. Enter specific domain: For eg: - when you do this your Fini Search Bar will only work on the selected website.
  2. Enter partial domain : For eg: * - you can choose this when you want to use the Fini Search Bar across differents parts of your product (eg: app, website etc.)
  3. Enter “null”: when you want your Fini Search Bar to work across domains you can enter “null” and then you can deploy it across domains

Select Widget title

Insert Widget Description

Replies setting

Add Welcome message

This is the message your users will see when they opening the Fini Search Bar

Add pre-defined questions

It’s an optional step. If you foresee common questions among your users you can make it easier for them by adding pre-defined questions


In this section you can decide on the appearance of your Fini Search Bar including logo and color.

Select if you want to show the reference links used by the bot to generate it’s response. Note: We will only show public links.

Select your brand color

Click on Create

Go back to Settings

Adjust streaming

Streaming is a feature that allows users to enjoy a more natural, human-like experience by streaming words in the response, rather than receiving the entire reply all at once.

Please note that this functionality can impact Fini’s performance, potentially leading to a decrease in the accuracy of the replies since we turn off additional features like LLM evaluation while streaming

Click on Save

Review Fini Search Bar configuration

Go back to deploy page

Preview Fini Standalone and make any adjustment if needed

Review answers and functionality

Deploy Fini Search Bar

Select Embed Script

Copy code

Copy and paste this script to the HTML file of your website. Must put the snippet inside or after the body tag!


      (function (w, d, s, o, f, js, fjs) {
        (js = d.createElement(s)), (fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]); = o;
        js.src = f;
        js.async = 1;
        fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
        js = d.createElement("div"); = "fini-widget-root";
        w.finiWidgetOptions = {
          widgetId: "yNYoJYuGMW",
          mode: "searchbar" 
      })(window, document, "script", "FiniWidget", "");

Configuration Complete

Fini Search Bar set up is complete. If you wish to change some of the settings go back to the Deploy Page and edit your configurations in the settings tab

For any additional configurations or queries, reach out to